DMON PROM Builder Introduction
DMON Prom Builder can be used to configure basic prom settings, create prom file and use DMON commands to load to the target flash. This feature is available in DMON version.
Prom Builder Features:
- Save configurations to the property file
- Load saved configurations
- DMON is displaying current target memory settings for mkprom2 memory switches
- Easy to set basic prom configurations
- Prom Builder is creating make file, which can be examined and used on its own through DMON "buildprom" command or called directly from CLI with make utility
- Prom Builder is calling DMON flash commands after prom file was created to erase flash, check if blank, load prom file to target flash and start program on the board
DMON provides two prom configuration files for E698PM. They located in DMON install directory at DMON\Files\PROM_PM_CONFIG initially and copied to DMON user folder C:\Users\UserName\DMON\PromConfig when Prom Builder is started for the first time. file has configurations that can be used to produce prom file to use RAM only as it does not initialize DDR2 RAM. file has configurations to produce prom file to use DDR2 RAM on E698PM. Sample bdinit.c file is located in DMON\Files\PROM_PM_CONFIG directory. This file has to be compiled and put in the same directory where make file will be stored. bdinit.c can be copied from bdinit.c too.
Please follow the tutorials below. The sample program for E698PM used in tutorials can be found here.
DMON Prom Builder can be called from DMON menu => Tasks => Prom Builder.
DMON Prom Builder Main View:
DMON Prom Builder Memory View:
DMON Prom Builder Advanced View:
DMON Commands
Command | Description |
buildprom <cmderase,cmdblank,cmdload,cmdrun> mkf | Create prom by calling mkf in make utility. Pass flash commands as parameters. buildprom cmderase cmdload cmdrun my_make_file |
DMON PROM Builder Tutorials
Creating sample prom file using RAM only:
Creating prom file to be used with DDR2 RAM:
Building PROM file using make:
Creating prom file calling directly mkprom2 from CLI: