GR716 Support

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GR716 Microcontroller

DMON supports the GR716 microcontroller from Cobham-Gaisler. This microcontroller features a fault-tolerant LEON3 SPARC V8 processor, communication interfaces and on-chip ADC, DAC, Power-on-Reset, Oscillator, Brown-out detection, LVDS transceivers, regulators to support for single 3.3V supply, ideally suited for space and other high-rel applications. A block diagram of the GR716 is shown below. DMON provides support for all the functional units on the microcontroller. The sections below provide more information on DMON support for some specific functional units of the microcontroller.


Credit: GR716 User Manual Version 1.26

Startup Options

The table below shows GR716 startup options.

Command Description
-iomx set [configName configName ...] Set IOMX configurations for Device or Array of Devices (see IO switch matrix section below)
-grcg or grcg_(index) [enable|disable][all|bit..bitN] Enable|Disable all, single bit or array of bits for GRCLKGATE_(DeviceIndex) (see clock gating section below)

Typical startup options used with the GR716 Mini development board are

-baud 230400
-iomx set mem_gr716_mini_cfg0
-grcg enable 0x4 16

Layout window

DMON represents the GR716 SOC in the layout below. By clicking on a functional block it's IP and register definitions are displayed in separate windows.


REX support

DMON supports the 16 bit REX instruction set.

Main View

DMON Functions View of loaded image (REX functions are marked with (REX))

Image Functions View

Instruction Trace Information

DMON > inst 40

Rex    Time      Address   Instruction                                    Result 
R   00000008763  3100A170  ld [%i2 + 0x8], %l6 (rld [%i2 + 0x8], %l6)     [0000000C]
R   00000008765  3100A174  sub %l6, %i0, %l6 (rsub %i0, %l6)              [00000000]
R   00000008766  3100A176  cmp %l6, 0x0 (rcmp %l6, 0x0)                   [00000000]
R   00000008767  3100A178  add %i5, %i0, %i5 (radd %i0, %i5)              [3000005A]
R   00000008768  3100A17A  sub %i4, %i0, %i4 (rsub %i0, %i4)              [00000000]
R   00000008770  3100A17C  st %l6, [%i2 + 0x8] (rst %l6, [%i2 + 0x8])     [3000FEB0][00000000]
R   00000008771  3100A180  bne TestContinue_REX_0x31:__sfvwrite_r + 0x238 (rbne 0xffffff32)  [00000000]
R   00000008772  3100A182  add %g0, 0x0, %i0 (rset5 0x0, %i0)             [00000000]
R   00000008773  3100A184  ret (rretrest)                                 [3100A181]
R   00000008774  3100A184  restore %i7, 0x8, %g0 (rretrest)               [31007E07]
R   00000008777  31007E06  add %g0, %o0, %i0 (rmov %o0, %i0)              [00000000]
R   00000008778  31007E08  ba TestContinue_REX_0x31:__sprint_r + 0x74 (rba 0x48)  [00000000]
R   00000008781  31007E50  st %i4, [%i2 + 0x8] (rst %i4, [%i2 + 0x8])     [3000FEB0][00000000]
R   00000008783  31007E54  st %i4, [%i2 + 0x4] (rst %i4, [%i2 + 0x4])     [3000FEAC][00000000]
R   00000008784  31007E58  ret (rretrest)                                 [31007E55]
R   00000008785  31007E58  restore %i7, 0x8, %g0 (rretrest)               [310042AB]
R   00000008788  310042AA  cmp %o0, 0x0 (rcmp %o0, 0x0)                   [00000000]
R   00000008791  310042AC  bne TestContinue_REX_0x31:_vfprintf_r + 0x29d0 (rbne 0x10)  [00000000]
R   00000008792  310042AE  add %g0, 0x0, %i0 (rset5 0x0, %i0)             [00000000]
R   00000008793  310042B0  add %g0, 0xffffff24, %i2 (rset21 0xffffff24, %i2)  [FFFFFF24]
R   00000008794  310042B4  ld [%fp + %i2], %i1 (rld [%fp + %i2], %i1)     [3000FEAC]
R   00000008797  310042B8  st %i0, [%i1 + 0x0] (rst %i0, [%i1])           [3000FEAC][00000000]
R   00000008798  310042BC  add %g0, 0xfffffef8, %i0 (rset21 0xfffffef8, %i0)  [FFFFFEF8]
R   00000008800  310042C0  ldd [%fp + %i0], %i4 (rldd [%fp + %i0], %i4)   [3000FED4][0000000C]
R   00000008801  310042C4  ba TestContinue_REX_0x31:_vfprintf_r + 0x2a24 (rba 0x4e)  [00000000]
R   00000008804  31004312  ldub [%l6 + 0xd], %i0 (rldub [%l6 + 0xd], %i0)  [00000089]
R   00000008805  31004316  mov 0x40, %i1 (rone 0x6, %i1)                  [00000040]
R   00000008806  31004318  and %i1, %i0, %i1 (rand %i0, %i1)              [00000000]
R   00000008807  3100431A  cmp %i1, 0x0 (rcmp %i1, 0x0)                   [00000000]
R   00000008810  3100431C  bne TestContinue_REX_0x31:_vfprintf_r + 0x2a34 (rbne 0x6)  [00000000]
R   00000008811  3100431E  add %g0, %i5, %i0 (rmov %i5, %i0)              [0000000C]
R   00000008812  31004320  ret (rretrest)                                 [3100431D]
R   00000008813  31004320  restore %i7, 0x8, %g0 (rretrest)               [310018D1]
R   00000008816  310018D0  add %g0, %o0, %i0 (rmov %o0, %i0)              [0000000C]
R   00000008817  310018D2  ret (rretrest)                                 [310018CF]
R   00000008818  310018D2  restore %i7, 0x8, %g0 (rretrest)               [310012D1]
R   00000008822  310012D0  st %o0, [%fp - 0xc] (rst %o0, [%fp - 12])      [3000FF94][0000000C]
R   00000008823  310012D4  call TestContinue_REX_0x31:secondHello (call TestContinue_REX_0x31:secondHello)  [310012D1]
    00000008825  31001278  saverex %sp, %i0, %sp                          [3000FED0]
R   00000008826  3100127C  ta 0x1 (rset32 TestContinue_REX_0x31:watchData, %i0)  [TRAPPED ]

REX Dissembled Instructions

DMON > coderex secondHello

Address         hex               dis
0x31001278      9DE39F98          saverex %sp, %i0, %sp
0x3100127c      A3E830000C7C      rset32	TestContinue_REX_0x31:watchData, %i0
0x31001282      87EA30000C7C      rld32	[TestContinue_REX_0x31:watchData], %o1
0x31001288      83E830000004      rset32	0x30000004, %o0
0x3100128e      E0EE887C          rst %i0, [%fp - 4]
0x31001292      40000181          call TestContinue_REX_0x31:printf
0x31001296      A23F              rset5	0xffffffff, %i0
0x31001298      C4EE807C          rld [%fp - 4], %o1
0x3100129c      E101              rst	%i0, [%o1]
0x3100129e      87E830000028      rset32	0x30000028, %o1
0x310012a4      C0EE8878          rst %o0, [%fp - 8]
0x310012a8      8101              rmov	%o1, %o0
0x310012aa      8508              rmov	%i0, %o1
0x310012ac      4000017A          call TestContinue_REX_0x31:printf
0x310012b0      C0EE8874          rst %o0, [%fp - 12]
0x310012b4      83C0              rretrest
0x310012b6      00009DE3          unimp	0x9de3
0x310012b8      9DE39F98          saverex %sp, %i0, %sp
0x310012bc      A220              rset5	0x0, %i0
0x310012be      E0EE887C          rst %i0, [%fp - 4]
0x310012c2      83E83000004E      rset32	0x3000004E, %o0
0x310012c8      E0EE8878          rst %i0, [%fp - 8]
0x310012cc      40000172          call TestContinue_REX_0x31:printf
0x310012d0      C0EE8874          rst %o0, [%fp - 12]
0x310012d4      7FFFFFE9          call TestContinue_REX_0x31:secondHello
0x310012d8      E0EE8078          rld [%fp - 8], %i0
0x310012dc      83C0              rretrest

The table below shows GR716 REX commands:

Command Description
rex [en|ill|tr]<cpuID> Sets the REX mode(enable|illegal|transparent) for active cpu or cpuID if provided
coderex [addr]<length> <force> Disassemble REX instructions in memory. DMON will detect if address is in REX block and disassemble as REX. Force switch will bypass detection and disassemble as REX instruction
breakrexs [addr]<cpuID> Force to set REX Software break point. breaks command will scan if address is in REX block and set REX software break point

DMA Controller

The GR716 microcontroller have 4 separate DMA controller with internal AHB/APB bridge units (GRDMAC). The GRDMAC units described in this section provides a flexible direct memory access controller. The core can perform burst transfers of data between AHB and APB peripherals at aligned or unaligned memory addresses.

One DMA channel per DMA controller is supported. The channel can be configured flexibly by means of two descriptor chains residing in main memory: a Memory to Buffer (M2B) chain and a Buffer to Memory (B2M) chain. Each chain is composed of a linked list of descriptors, where each descriptor specifies an AHB address and the size of the data to read/write, supporting a scatter/gather behavior.

DMON provides a number of specific tabs to allow the user to configure the GRDMAC registers, test DMA transfers, and load/save such test configurations. It is assumed that the user is familiar with the GRDMAC hardware.


GRDMAC status window


GRDMAC configuration window


GRDMAC descriptor configuration

Descr Control.png

GRDMAC waiting for trigger condition


GRDMAC and Descriptors status after trigger


Available commands for GRDMAC:

Command Description
grdmac_0 b2m add [data|cond|econd] ch[N][addr] Create B2M data|conditional|extended conditional descriptors at address for Channel
grdmac_0 b2m remove [data|cond|econd] ch[N] [addr] Remove B2M descriptor at address for Channel
grdmac_0 core [en|dis] Enable(Run) or Disable(Stop) GRDMAC Core
grdmac_0 core reset Reset GRDMAC Core to default values
grdmac_0 ctrl ie [en|dis] Global Interrupt Enable or Disable
grdmac_0 ctrl iee [en|dis] Interrupt Enable or Disable for Errors
grdmac_0 ctrl me [en|dis] Extended Mode Enable or Disable
grdmac_0 ctrl ns [en|dis] No Starve Mode Enable or Disable
grdmac_0 ctrl sm [en|dis] Simplified mode Enable or Disable
grdmac_0 ctrl te [en|dis] Timer Enable or Disable
grdmac_0 ech [en|dis][all|ch# ch#+1] Set Channel/Channels/All Channels Enabled/Disabled
grdmac_0 ech [en|dis][ch#-ch#+n] Set Channel Enabled or Disabled for Range of Channels
grdmac_0 eirq [en|dis] Set Interrupt enable for Errors (IEE)
grdmac_0 error reset Reset Error Register
grdmac_0 irq [en|dis] Set GRDMAC Global Interrupt Enable or Disable (IE)
grdmac_0 irq [en|dis][all|ch# ch#+1] Set Interrupt Mask for Channel/Channels/All Channels and Enable Global IRQ
grdmac_0 irq [en|dis][ch#-ch#+n] Set Interrupt Mask for Range of Channels and Enable Global IRQ
grdmac_0 irq reset Reset Interrupt Flag Register for all channels
grdmac_0 load [file] Load GRDMAC configurations from XML file
grdmac_0 m2b add [data|cond|econd] ch[N] [addr] Create M2B data|conditional|extended conditional descriptors at address for Channel
grdmac_0 m2b remove [data|cond|econd] ch[N] [addr] Remove M2B descriptor at address for Channel
grdmac_0 save [file] Save GRDMAC configuration to XML file
grdmac_0 sbufdata Display Internal Buffer Readout Area
grdmac_0 scan Scan M2B and B2M descriptor linked lists using Channel Vector Pointer
grdmac_0 sdata [addr] Print DMA data after successful B2M Descriptor at address
grdmac_0 set cvp [value] Set Channel Vector Pointer (CVP)
grdmac_0 set trv [value] Set Timer Reset Value (TIMER_RST)
grdmac_0 status [offset] Display GRDMAC core status of All registers or at offset (i.e.0x04) to the screen
grdmac_0 tsl [0|32|64|128] Set Transfer Size limit (TSL)


Basic GRDMAC Custom Configurations:

Debugging GRDMAC using DMON

Sample script:

write DLRAM_0_START 0x0              // Set Flag to 0
write 0x40000300 0x0 0x400           // Clear memory
write 0x30000004 0xcafebabe 0x400    // Set Data to be transferred
grdmac_0 core reset                  // Reset Core
grdmac_0 load config.xml             // Load GRDMAC and Descriptors configurations. Copy content of this File:CopyMeAndCreateXml.pdf and save as config.xml 
grdmac_0 core  en                    // Start the core
write DLRAM_0_START 0x1              // Set Flag to 1 to trigger data descriptor
grdmac_0 sdata 0x40000120            // Output transferred data

IO Switch Matrix

The I/O switch matrix provides access to several I/O units. When an interface is not activated, its pins automatically become general purpose I/O. After reset, all I/O switch matrix pins are defined as inputs until programmed otherwise.

Configuration and assigning of functions to external I/O is flexible and is controlled by software via a set of registers.

DMON loads in configuration file iomx.config which located in DMON installation directory C:\Program Files (x86)\DMON\Local

User can modify all those configurations or create new custom that will be loaded when DMON starts.

Then, configuration can be applied using "iomx set name" command when DMON started or "-iomx set name" switch command at DMON initialization.

User can autocomplete configuration names using tab after "iomx set" or display all configurations starting with some combination of letters.

Command Description
iomx set [configName configName ...] Set IOMX configurations for Device or Array of Devices
-iomx set [configName configName ...] Switch to set IOMX configurations for Device or Array of Devices, when DMON starts
iomx setpin [gpioN][val] Set IOMX GPIO pin to value
iomx show <all|configName> Display all available IOMX configurations or Search by prefix
iomx validate Validate IOMX configurations

iomx validate sample output:

DMON > iomx validate
GPIO[00]  mem_addr_0
GPIO[01]  mem_addr_1
GPIO[02]  mem_addr_2
GPIO[03]  mem_addr_3
GPIO[04]  mem_addr_4
GPIO[05]  mem_addr_5
GPIO[06]  mem_addr_6
GPIO[07]  mem_addr_7
GPIO[08]  mem_addr_8
GPIO[09]  mem_addr_9
GPIO[10]  mem_addr_10
GPIO[11]  mem_addr_11
GPIO[12]  mem_addr_12
GPIO[13]  mem_addr_13
GPIO[14]  mem_addr_14
GPIO[15]  mem_addr_15
GPIO[16]  mem_addr_16
GPIO[17]  mem_addr_17
GPIO[18]  mem_addr_18
GPIO[19]  ram_csn_0
GPIO[20]  gpio 20
GPIO[21]  gpio 21
GPIO[22]  gpio 22
GPIO[23]  gpio 23
GPIO[24]  gpio 24
GPIO[25]  mem_data_0
GPIO[26]  mem_data_1
GPIO[27]  mem_data_2
GPIO[28]  mem_data_3
GPIO[29]  mem_data_4
GPIO[30]  mem_data_5
GPIO[31]  mem_data_6
GPIO[32]  mem_data_7
GPIO[33]  mem_oen
GPIO[34]  mem_wrn
GPIO[35]  gpio 35
GPIO[36]  gpio 36
GPIO[37]  gpio 37
GPIO[38]  gpio 38
GPIO[39]  gpio 39
GPIO[40]  gpio 40
GPIO[41]  gpio 41
GPIO[42]  gpio 42
GPIO[43]  gpio 43
GPIO[44]  gpio 44
GPIO[45]  gpio 45
GPIO[46]  gpio 46
GPIO[47]  gpio 47
GPIO[48]  gpio 48
GPIO[49]  mem_addr_19
GPIO[50]  mem_addr_20
GPIO[51]  gpio 51 
GPIO[52]  gpio 52 
GPIO[53]  gpio 53 
GPIO[54]  gpio 54 
GPIO[55]  gpio 55
GPIO[56]  gpio 56
GPIO[57]  gpio 57
GPIO[58]  gpio 58
GPIO[59]  gpio 59
GPIO[60]  gpio 60
GPIO[61]  gpio 61
GPIO[62]  gpio 62
GPIO[63]  gpio 63

iomx validate sample output with duplicated pin configurations:

DMON > iomx validate
GPIO[00]  mem_addr_0
GPIO[01]  mem_addr_1
GPIO[02]  mem_addr_2
GPIO[03]  mem_addr_3
GPIO[04]  mem_addr_4
GPIO[05]  mem_addr_5
GPIO[06]  mem_addr_6
GPIO[07]  mem_addr_7
GPIO[08]  mem_addr_8
GPIO[09]  mem_addr_9
GPIO[10]  mem_addr_10
GPIO[11]  mem_addr_11
GPIO[12]  mem_addr_12
GPIO[13]  can_tx_0
GPIO[14]  can_rx_0
GPIO[15]  can_en_0
GPIO[16]  mem_addr_16
GPIO[17]  mem_addr_17
GPIO[18]  mem_addr_18
GPIO[19]  ram_csn_0
GPIO[20]  gpio 20
GPIO[21]  gpio 21
GPIO[22]  gpio 22
GPIO[23]  gpio 23
GPIO[24]  gpio 24
GPIO[25]  mem_data_0
GPIO[26]  mem_data_1
GPIO[27]  mem_data_2
GPIO[28]  mem_data_3
GPIO[29]  mem_data_4
GPIO[30]  mem_data_5
GPIO[31]  mem_data_6
GPIO[32]  mem_data_7
GPIO[33]  mem_oen
GPIO[34]  mem_wrn
GPIO[35]  gpio 35
GPIO[36]  gpio 36
GPIO[37]  can_tx_0 Already mapped
GPIO[38]  can_rx_0 Already mapped
GPIO[39]  can_en_0 Already mapped
GPIO[40]  gpio 40
GPIO[41]  gpio 41
GPIO[42]  gpio 42
GPIO[43]  gpio 43
GPIO[44]  gpio 44
GPIO[45]  gpio 45
GPIO[46]  gpio 46
GPIO[47]  gpio 47
GPIO[48]  gpio 48
GPIO[49]  mem_addr_19
GPIO[50]  mem_addr_20
GPIO[51]  gpio 51
GPIO[52]  gpio 52
GPIO[53]  gpio 53
GPIO[54]  gpio 54
GPIO[55]  gpio 55
GPIO[56]  gpio 56
GPIO[57]  gpio 57
GPIO[58]  gpio 58
GPIO[59]  gpio 59
GPIO[60]  gpio 60
GPIO[61]  gpio 61
GPIO[62]  gpio 62
GPIO[63]  gpio 63

Memory Protection

The GR716 microcontroller has 2 separate AMBA memory protection units (MEMPROT). The MEMPROT units have the capability to detect and protect memory areas from write accesses. The first memory protection unit (MEMPROT0) is connected to Main AHB bus and the second memory protection unit (MEMPROT1) is connected to the DMA AMBA bus. Each memory protection unit has a unique address for configuration and status. The control and status registers for the memory protection units are located on APB bus in the address range 0x80005000 to 0x80005FFF 0x8010A000 to 0x8010AFFF.

DMON provides the commands below to configure memory protection.

Command Description
mprot reg Show GRMEMPRO registers
mprot set [n][saddr][eaddr][none|all|g0-g15..] Protect area [seg num][s address][e address][none|all or array of g0-g15]

Memory Protection Device View

Memory Protection Device View

Memory Protection Device View (enabled)

Memory Protection Device Enabled

Clock Gating options

The GR716 microcontroller have 2 separate clock gating units. Each clock gating unit will control its own clock domains and have a unique AMBA address.

The clock gating units provide a means to save power by disabling the clock to unused functional blocks. These cores provide a mechanism to automatically disable the clock to LEON processors in power-down mode, and optionally also to disable the clock for shared floating-point units. The cores also provide a mechanism to reset, enable clock and disable clocks for most functional blocks.

Command Description
grcg [enable|disable][all|bit..bitN] Enable|Disable all, single bit or array of bits for GRCLKGATE_0
-grcg [enable|disable][all|bit..bitN] Switch to Enable|Disable all, single bit or array of bits for GRCLKGATE_0 or -grcg_1 for GRCLKGATE_1, at DMON start up
grcg reg Show register values for GRCLKGATE_0








The table below is a summary of commands specific to the GR716.

Command Description
breakrexs [addr]<cpuID> Force to set REX Software break point. breaks command will scan if address is in REX block and set REX software break point
coderex [addr]<length> <force> Disassemble REX instructions in memory. DMON will detect if address is in REX block and disassemble as REX. Force switch will bypass detection and disassemble as REX instruction
dlram edac [enable|disable] Enable|Disable EDAC
dlram scrub [enable|disable] Enable|Disable Scruber
gpio pulse status Show Pulse register for GRGPIO
gradcdac config Display status information for the GRADCDAC core
grcan [enable|disable] Enable|Disable the GRCAN receiver
grcan reset Resets the GRCAN receiver
grcan status Show register values for GRCAN
grcg [enable|disable][all|bit..bitN] Enable|Disable all, single bit or array of bits for GRCLKGATE_0
grcg reg Show register values for GRCLKGATE_0
grdmac_0 b2m add [data|cond|econd] ch[N][addr] Create B2M data|conditional|extended conditional descriptors at address for Channel
grdmac_0 b2m remove [data|cond|econd] ch[N] [addr] Remove B2M descriptor at address for Channel
grdmac_0 core [en|dis] Enable(Run) or Disable(Stop) GRDMAC Core
grdmac_0 core reset Reset GRDMAC Core to default values
grdmac_0 ctrl ie [en|dis] Global Interrupt Enable or Disable
grdmac_0 ctrl iee [en|dis] Interrupt Enable or Disable for Errors
grdmac_0 ctrl me [en|dis] Extended Mode Enable or Disable
grdmac_0 ctrl ns [en|dis] No Starve Mode Enable or Disable
grdmac_0 ctrl sm [en|dis] Simplified mode Enable or Disable
grdmac_0 ctrl te [en|dis] Timer Enable or Disable
grdmac_0 ech [en|dis][all|ch# ch#+1] Set Channel/Channels/All Channels Enabled/Disabled
grdmac_0 ech [en|dis][ch#-ch#+n] Set Channel Enabled or Disabled for Range of Channels
grdmac_0 eirq [en|dis] Set Interrupt enable for Errors (IEE)
grdmac_0 error reset Reset Error Register
grdmac_0 irq [en|dis] Set GRDMAC Global Interrupt Enable or Disable (IE)
grdmac_0 irq [en|dis][all|ch# ch#+1] Set Interrupt Mask for Channel/Channels/All Channels and Enable Global IRQ
grdmac_0 irq [en|dis][ch#-ch#+n] Set Interrupt Mask for Range of Channels and Enable Global IRQ
grdmac_0 irq reset Reset Interrupt Flag Register for all channels
grdmac_0 load [file] Load GRDMAC configurations from XML file
grdmac_0 m2b add [data|cond|econd] ch[N] [addr] Create M2B data|conditional|extended conditional descriptors at address for Channel
grdmac_0 m2b remove [data|cond|econd] ch[N] [addr] Remove M2B descriptor at address for Channel
grdmac_0 save [file] Save GRDMAC configuration to XML file
grdmac_0 sbufdata Display Internal Buffer Readout Area
grdmac_0 scan Scan M2B and B2M descriptor linked lists using Channel Vector Pointer
grdmac_0 sdata [addr] Print DMA data after successful B2M Descriptor at address
grdmac_0 set cvp [value] Set Channel Vector Pointer (CVP)
grdmac_0 set trv [value] Set Timer Reset Value (TIMER_RST)
grdmac_0 status [offset] Display GRDMAC core status of All registers or at offset (i.e.0x04) to the screen
grdmac_0 tsl [0|32|64|128] Set Transfer Size limit (TSL)
grpwm <dev#> enable|disable Enable or Disable the GRPWM core
grpwm <dev#> status Display status information for the GRPWM core
grpwrx [enable|disable] Enable|Disable the GRPWRX reciever
grpwrx dma [enable|disable] GRPWRX dma Enable|Disable
grpwrx reset Resets the GRPWRX reciever
grpwrx status Show register values for GRPWRX
grpwtx [enable|disable] Enable|Disable the GRPWTX reciever
grpwtx dma [enable|disable] GRPWTX DMA Enable|Disable
grpwtx reset Resets the GRPWTX Transmitter
grpwtx status Show register values for GRPWTX
i2c2ahb enable|disable Enable or Disable the I2C2AHB core
i2c2ahb irq enable|disable Display status information for the I2C2AHB core
i2c2ahb status Display status information for the I2C2AHB core
ilram edac [enable|disable] Enable|Disable EDAC
ilram scrub [enable|disable] Enable|Disable Scruber
iomx set [configName configName ...] Set IOMX configurations for Device or Array of Devices
iomx setpin [gpioN][val] Set IOMX GPIO pin to value
iomx show <all|configName> Display all available IOMX configurations or Search by prefix
iomx validate Validate IOMX configurations
mprot reg Show GRMEMPRO registers
mprot set [n][saddr][eaddr][none|all|g0-g15..] Protect area [seg num][s address][e address][none|all or array of g0-g15]
rex [en|ill|tr]<cpuID> Sets the REX mode(enable|illegal|transparent) for active cpu or cpuID if provided
spi2ahb enable|disable Enable or Disable the SPI2AHB core
spi2ahb irq enable|disable Enable or disable interrupts for SPI2AHB core
spi2ahb status Display status information for the SPI2AHB core
spislave status Show registers values for SPI4SPACE
spislave reset Reset SPI4SPACE device
spim edac <enabled|disable> Enable or Disable EDAC in SPIMCTRL
spwtdp status Display status information for the SPWTDP core